Leftover Lace

Leftover Lace

The Wedding is Over, Now What? It was beautiful, but it wasn’t perfect. As I shared the post-wedding download chat over the phone with my dear friend we both concluded that life is “tainted.” Even in the moments of our greatest joy, something icky tries to steal...
Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction

Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction

This article from The Redbud Post speaks to all of us engaged in a walk of faith who find ourselves tearing things down and rebuilding or sitting with friends who are paving this path, but aren’t we all to some degree? The Reconstruction Choice by Margaret...
Building the Kingdom

Building the Kingdom

Often my husband and I walk our dog Snuggles and talk about the next thing we want to build, lately that conversation has centered around how our baby church plant is growing up, a new garage or filling the massive potholes where we park our car. Building is tangible,...
Forgiving an Angel

Forgiving an Angel

“What happened to your foster daughter?” We hear this question often, for many people knew and loved the Liberian princess who disappeared from our lives unexpectedly. The short form of the story tells the facts, without the emotional toll. She returned to Boston in...
A Back-to-School Existential Crisis

A Back-to-School Existential Crisis

Today I turned the page on a fall tradition, school. No one is in school! After decades of teaching writing, or packing my children’s backpacks, or heading off to school myself, I’m sitting at my writing desk sans school. We live in a new city, in the midst of an...