Letting Go of Billy Graham

Letting Go of Billy Graham

It’s not easy to imagine life in America without Billy Graham. He served as a comforting blanket of trustworthiness and faith in the highest corridors of power and some of the least visible places on earth. He moved through doors freely and as long as he walked...
Natasha’s New Book, Mentor For Life

Natasha’s New Book, Mentor For Life

I have to admit being a bit in awe of people who go to military academies. Natasha Robinson is one of them. They emit a burning efficiency which singes us lesser beings who actually spend our moments at a stoplight daydreaming rather than crossing off the to do list....
Watching and Waiting with Wonder

Watching and Waiting with Wonder

Watching and Waiting with Wonder Signs and wonders. A phrase so common in the Bible that the word “wonder” appears 109 times. Wonder is defined as: The feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable....
Richard Foster and Holy Week

Richard Foster and Holy Week

Subs for my classes in place, I drove four hours last weekend to Calvin College in Michigan for a writer’s conference. Not knowing what to expect, I arrived in the dark, without my glasses to twist and turn my way down the roads of Grand Rapids which are marked by...
Surviving the Divided Family Christmas

Surviving the Divided Family Christmas

“I’m not coming if your father is going to be there.” Sadly, this is a familiar reply to the Christmas invite in families of divorce. My parents divorced the year of our wedding, so these refrains are familiar territory.  They challenge our ability to walk in the...
Who is She?

Who is She?

Have you met the Proverbs 31 woman? Her description has always evoked feelings of awe and annoyance. Sewing late into the night by a lamp that does go out, gorgeous toned arms planting a vineyard, a prominent husband, self-designed purple clothes and children that get...