
Speaking Topics

Based upon life, learning, my research/books and creative projects

— Master painter Caravaggio, his art and life

— The Prodigal Son in all of us

— Caravaggio’s two nativity paintings

— When your brother becomes your sister, loving your transgender family member (C.T. article)

— Fostering Margaret’s Child – the challenges and blessings of fostering kids

— The Benefits of Writing in Community rather than writing alone (Redbud Writers Guild)


A discussion with authors on the challenges of writing during Covid19, hosted by Paraclete Press

The Everbloom book trailer, created by Paraclete Press (2017), describes the concept behind this beautiful collection of personal essays and poetry.

A Minor

Talking about A Minor with Larry and Kathy on WOCA radio.
Beautiful promotional video for my novel, A Minor by Circle of Seven Productions

Messy Grace

In the Sitting Room podcast with radio host Kathy Chiero talking about my relationship with my transgender sibling

Messy Grace the best-selling book by Caleb Kaltenbach addresses how to live as a Christian in the tension between grace and truth. The book has a four video study which adds further depth and real life stories about what it’s like to live into this tension. These videos feature rapper Jackie Hill Perry, author of Gay Girl Good God, British Pastor Sam Alberry who addresses his same sex attraction as well as me and my sibling Charlie, now Carly. If you or your loved one are walking this challenging road this is a resource you will want to explore.

Published Articles

Crossing the Road – A Path to Racial Healing

READY print

An interview with filmmaker Janet Craig about her new film Wake Up! which chronicles the horror of human trafficking

Trinity Review

Why Groot is the Greatest Superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe


An interview with author, Sheila Wise Rowe about her book, Healing Racial Trauma


A Biblical Take on Joy

Redbud Post

Deconstructing faith is trendy, even called “sexy,” but how do we reconstruct faith?

Redbud Post

Stop Excommunicating Christians Who Don’t Agree With You


When Your Calling is Local


Why Mary Matters to all Christians


Is the Proverbs 31 Woman for real?

Redbud Post

How Your Marriage Can Avoid the Seven Year Itch


Loving my Transgender Brother/Sister

One of C.T.’s top 20 most read articles of 2015
Christianity Today

How to Love the Same Church for Decades

Rez blog

Loving My Transgender Brother/Sister (SPANISH)

Christianity Today

What is the Redbud Writers Guild?

Declare Blog

How Do We Know When We’ve Found “the one?”


How to walk out Advent in WONDER!

Christianity Today

Hints on How to Survive the Broken Family Christmas


So angry Malala didn’t win the Nobel Prize the first time around, She finally did! A perspective on her impact.


Gratitude to the End – A Reflection on Cancer – John Fawcett

Redbud Post