As a writing and literature teacher, herding my students into the corner of their classroom for unannounced lock-down drills, I could feel their fear. Could this happen here? We live in a small community, could this happen here? We all wonder. We know the inevitable answer is “yes.” The United States is beyond the tipping point with availability of guns to be used as weapons of mass destruction on our own citizens. Frustrated by my inability to do something about this physical and mental health crisis, I created this artistic rendering on the scope of our collective gun crisis. All of the photographic images were taken with my tiny iPod and music used by permission of the genius composer, Ola Gjeilo. Please take a few minutes to view this video, contact your congressional reps – both locally and nationally and ask for change as outlined in the film. The students of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school have led the charge to actually taking on this issue with their creation of the public action group, March for Our Lives. We can all do something. Thank you for caring. It is shocking to take a look at the breadth and depth of this crisis.
Mass Public Shootings Empathy Video